GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists
GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists
GDK - Air conditioning specialists
GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists GDK - Air conditioning specialists

all about airconditioning

Air Conditioning is Beneficial

Energy Efficient
To stop noise pollution, thus enabling windows to be kept shut.
To reduce heat within working or home environment, offering comfortable conditions.
To ensure office staff can be as productive in extreme weather conditions.
To combat heat from office equipment, such as computers, photocopiers also natural heat gain through windows, from people, walls, ceilings, fixtures and fittings.

frequently asked questions


Using Heating and Cooling Systems.

Allowing controlled temperatures throughout the year.

Significantly reduces the need for radiators or boilers. This means reduced maintenance costs. Heat / pump systems will give more heating duty. A system of this type will give more heat output than the amount of electricity used to run them, i.e. approximately 2/3 kW of heat for nothing. This makes the heat / pump system energy efficient.